Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford

Friederike Otto ECI’s unique approach uses very large ensembles of simulations of regional climate models to run two different analyses: to represent the current climate as it was observed, and to represent the same events in the world that might have been without human-induced climate change. This methodological approach is supported by its widespread use … Continue reading “Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford”

Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute

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Geert Jan van Oldenborgh The KNMI team contributes statistical analysis tools and climate data built in the KNMI Climate Explorer for event attribution. This public web application has fits to standard and extreme value distributions with co-variates that are optimised for extreme event attribution. The group collects and updates observational data in real-time at the … Continue reading “Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute”

World Weather Attribution

World Weather Attribution (WWA) is an international effort to analyse and communicate the possible influence of climate change on extreme weather events, such as storms, extreme rainfall, heatwaves, cold spells, and droughts. Recognising society’s interest in reducing the human, economic, and environmental costs of weather-related disasters, WWA delivers timely and scientifically reliable information on how … Continue reading “World Weather Attribution”